Find Maximum with Varargs in Java

Write a Java program demonstrating the usage of a method with varargs to find the maximum of a sequence of numbers

  • The class MaxFinder contains a single static method findMax that takes a variable number of integers as input (using varargs).
  • Inside the findMax method, it first checks if any numbers are provided. If not, it throws an IllegalArgumentException with the message "No numbers provided".
  • It initializes the variable max with the first number in the array numbers.
  • It then iterates through the remaining numbers in the array. If any number is greater than the current max, it updates max to that number.
  • Finally, it returns the maximum value found.
  • In the main method, the findMax method is called with multiple integer arguments. The maximum value returned by findMax is printed to the console.

Source Code

public class MaxFinder
	static int findMax(int... numbers)
		if (numbers.length == 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("No numbers provided");
		int max = numbers[0];
		for (int num : numbers)
			if (num > max)
				max = num;
		return max;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		int max = findMax(10, 86, 65, 5, 20, 15);
		System.out.println("Maximum Number is " + max);


Maximum Number is 86

Example Programs