Interfaces with Static Factory Methods in Java

Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of an interface with a static factory method

  • The MyInterface interface declares a single method doSomething().
  • Inside the MyInterface interface, a static factory method createInstance() is defined. This method returns an instance of MyConcreteClass, which implements MyInterface.
  • In the InterfaceWithStaticFactoryMethodDemo class, the main method demonstrates how to use the static factory method to create an instance of MyConcreteClass through the interface MyInterface.
  • Once the instance is created, the doSomething() method is called, which prints "MyConcreteClass is doing something".

Source Code

public class InterfaceWithStaticFactoryMethodDemo
	public static void main(String[] args)
		MyInterface obj = MyInterface.createInstance();// Use the static factory method to create an instance
		obj.doSomething(); // Call the method on the created instance
interface MyInterface// Define an interface with a static factory method
	void doSomething();
	static MyInterface createInstance() // Static factory method to create instances
		return new MyConcreteClass();
class MyConcreteClass implements MyInterface// Create a concrete class that implements the interface
	public void doSomething()
		System.out.println("MyConcreteClass is doing something");


MyConcreteClass is doing something

Example Programs