Write a Java program to set thread priority

The Java code demonstrates how to set the priority of a thread using the Thread.setPriority() method and then retrieve and print the priority using the Thread.getPriority() method. In the SetPriority class:

  • A new thread object named thread is created and associated with an instance of the MyRunnable class.
  • The priority of the thread is set to the maximum priority using thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).
  • The thread is started using the start() method.
  • Inside the run() method of the MyRunnable class, the priority of the current thread (which is the thread object) is retrieved using Thread.currentThread().getPriority().
  • The retrieved priority is printed to the console using System.out.println().

Thread priorities range from Thread.MIN_PRIORITY (1) to Thread.MAX_PRIORITY (10). The code sets the priority of the new thread to the maximum value of 10.

Source Code

public class SetPriority
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Thread thread = new Thread(new MyRunnable());
		thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); // Setting thread priority to maximum
	static class MyRunnable implements Runnable
		public void run()
			System.out.println("Thread priority: " + Thread.currentThread().getPriority());


Thread priority: 10