This Python code converts a degree value to its equivalent in radians. Here's an explanation of each part of the code
Overall, this code takes a degree value as input, converts it to radians using the math.radians() function, and then prints the converted value. It's a common operation when working with trigonometric calculations and geometry in mathematics and science
""" #Solution-1: pi=3.14 d = float(input("Ente the Degrees : ")) r = d*(pi/180) print(r) #Solution-2: from math import pi deg = 90 print( (deg * pi) / 180.0) """ #Solution-3: import math # Input degree value degree = float(input("Enter Degree value : ")) # Convert degrees to radians radian = math.radians(degree) print("Degree to Radian : ",radian)
Enter Degree value : 90 Degree to Radian : 1.5707963267948966
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