Cost Price Per Item Program in Python

If the total selling price of 15 items and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard, write a program to find the cost price of one item.

This program is written in the Python programming language and it is designed to calculate the cost price of an item based on the selling price and profit.

It starts by using the "input()" function to accept two values from the user, the selling price and profit, which are stored in variables named "sp" and "profit" respectively. The program then uses basic math subtraction operation to subtract the profit from the selling price and assigns the result to the variable "cp".

The program then uses the "//" operator to divide the "cp" variable by 15, and assigns the quotient to the variable "cp". This is done to find the cost price of per item. Finally, the program uses the "print()" function to display the cost price of per item.

Source Code

sp = float(input("Enter the Selling Price :"))
profit = float(input("Enter the Profit :"))
cp = sp - profit
cp = cp // 15
print("Cost Price of Per Item :",cp)


Enter the Selling Price :2350
Enter the Profit :560
Cost Price of Per Item : 119.0

Example Programs