If a five-digit number is input through the keyboard, write a program to reverse the number.
The program is a simple program that takes an input of a five-digit number from the user and then reverses the digits of the number. The program uses the modulus operator(%) and the integer division operator(//) to isolate each digit of the input number and then multiplies each digit by a power of 10 to create the reversed number. The final reversed number is then printed as the output.
It starts by taking an input of a five-digit number and initializing a variable "revnum" to zero. Then it uses the modulus operator(%) and the integer division operator(//) to isolate each digit of the input number one by one and stores it in the variable 'a'. Then it multiplies the digit by a power of 10 to create the reversed number. The final reversed number is then printed as the output. It also can be refactored to a more efficient solution using string slicing and concatenation, which is more pythonic.
n=int(input("Enter the five digits Number:")) revnum=0 a=n%10 n=n//10 revnum=revnum+a*10000 a=n%10 n=n//10 revnum=revnum+a*1000 a=n%10 n=n//10 revnum=revnum+a*100 a=n%10 n=n//10 revnum=revnum+a*10 a=n%10 revnum=revnum+a print("Reverse Five digits =",revnum)
Enter the five digits Number:23472 Reverse Five digits = 27432
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