Capitalising the first letter using string in C

The program capitalizes the first letter of each word in a sentence. It does this by first taking an input string from the user using the gets function and storing it in the a character array. It then checks if the first letter of the sentence (a[0]) is a lowercase letter (between 97 and 122 in ASCII code). If it is, it subtracts 32 from the ASCII code value to change it to its uppercase counterpart. The program then loops through the rest of the sentence, checking if each character is preceded by a space (32 in ASCII code) and if the current character is a lowercase letter. If both conditions are met, the program subtracts 32 from the ASCII code value of the current character to change it to its uppercase counterpart. Finally, the program outputs the capitalized sentence using the puts function.

Source Code

int main()
  int i;
  char a[100];
  printf("\nEnter the Sentence:");
  printf("\nCapitalized Sentence:");
        if(a[i]>=97 &&a[i]<=122)
  return 0;
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Enter the Sentence: computer science
Capitalized Sentence: Computer Science

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