Check the given two strings equal or not in C

This program compares two strings entered by the user and checks if they are equal or not. The user is asked to enter two strings using the 'gets' function and these strings are stored in the variables 'a' and 'b'. The 'strcmp' function from the 'string.h' library is used to compare the two strings. If the result of the 'strcmp' function is 0, it means that the two strings are equal and a message "Two Strings are Equal" is displayed. If the result is not 0, it means that the two strings are not equal and a message "Two Strings are Not Equal" is displayed.

Source Code

int main()
   char a[100],b[100];
   printf("\nEnter the First String:");
   printf("\nEnter the Second String:");
      printf("\nTwo Strings are Equal");
      printf("\nTwo Strings are Not Equal");
   return 0;
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Enter the First String: Tutor Joe's 
Enter the Second String: Tutor Joe's 
Two Strings are Equal

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