No Return Without Argument Function in C

In C programming, a function that does not take any arguments and does not return a value is called a void function. The syntax for defining a void function is as follows:

           return_type function_name ( parameter1, parameter2, ... )
                 // body of Statement ;

        Example :
           void function_name ( )
                 // body of Statement ;

  • Here, the 'void' keyword is used as the return type to indicate that the function does not return any value.
  • A void function can be called in the same way as other functions, by simply using the function name followed by empty parentheses:

            function_name ( );

Here is an example of a void function that prints a message to the console:

  • This program defines a void function called add that simply prints the message "Total of a and b" to the console. The main function calls the add function, which executes the code inside the function and prints the message.
  • Void functions are useful in C programming when you want to perform a specific task without returning any value, such as displaying a message, initializing a variable or updating a data structure

Source Code

//No Return Without Argument Function in C
    1.Function Declaration
    2.Function Definition
    3.Function Calling
//Function Declaration
void add();
int main()
    //Function Calling
    return 0;
//Function Definition
void add()
    int a,b,c;
    printf("\nEnter The Value of A & B :");
    printf("\nTotal : %d",c);
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Enter The Value of A & B :12

Total : 46

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