Print the Square Pattern Outline Using For Loop in C

This program is is written in the C programming language and is used to print a square pattern made up of asterisks (*) and spaces. The program starts by including the standard input/output library (stdio.h) and then defines a main function. Within the main function, the program declares three variables "i", "j" and "n". The variable "n" is used to store the value entered by the user, which determines the size of the square pattern. The variables "i" and "j" are used as the counter variables for the nested for loops.

The program then prompts the user to enter a value using the "printf" function and stores the value in the variable "n" using the "scanf" function. Next, the program uses a nested for loop, with the outer loop controlled by the variable "i" and the inner loop controlled by the variable "j". The loops iterate from 1 to the value of "n" and print the pattern. Within the nested loops, the program uses an if statement to check the value of "i" and "j" and based on the values it will print either a "*" or a space.

The if statement check for the following conditions:

  • if the value of "i" is 1 or if the value of "i" is equal to "n"
  • if the value of "j" is 1 or if the value of "j" is equal to "n" if any of the above conditions is met it will print "*" otherwise it will print " "

This will produce a square pattern with asterisks (*) on the edges and spaces in the middle. The program then ends with a return statement.

Source Code

int main()
  int i,j,n;
  printf("\nEnter the value:");
        printf(" *");
        printf("  ");
  return 0;
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Enter the value:5
* * * * *
*       *
*       *
*       *
*       *
* * * * *

List of Programs

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