Typedef in C

In C programming, "typedef" is a keyword that allows you to create an alias or synonym for an existing data type. This can make the code more readable and maintainable by giving a more meaningful name to a complex or obscure data type.
   Syntax :
        typedef data_type new_name ;

For example, you can use typedef to create an alias for the "int" data type, like this:
   Example :
        typedef int INTEGER ;

With this definition, you can use "INTEGER" in place of "int" throughout your code.

Source Code

//typedef in C Programming
typedef struct student
    char *name;
    int age;
    float per;
} student;
int main()
    typedef int INTEGER;
    INTEGER a;
    student o;
    printf("\nA : %d",a);
    o.name="Tutor Joes";
    printf("\nName        : %s",o.name);
    printf("\nAge         : %d",o.age);
    printf("\nPercent     : %f",o.per);
    return 0;
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A : 100
Name        : Tutor Joes
Age         : 30
Percent     : 85.500000

List of Programs

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