The code defines a class called Time which represents a time in hours and minutes. It has a constructor, a method to display the time, and two overloaded operators: ++ (prefix) and ++ (postfix). The prefix ++ operator increments the time by 1 minute and returns the updated time. If the minutes exceed 60, it increments the hours and adjusts the minutes accordingly.
The postfix ++ operator also increments the time by 1 minute but returns the original time (before incrementing). It then performs the same check for adjusting the hours and minutes. In the main function, two Time objects (T1 and T2) are created with initial values. The prefix ++ operator is called twice on T1, and the postfix ++ operator is called twice on T2. The displayTime method is used to print the updated times.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Time { private: int hours; int minutes; public: Time() { hours=0; minutes=0; } Time(int h,int m) { hours=h; minutes=m; } void displayTime() { cout<<"H: "<<hours<<" M:"<<minutes<<endl; } Time operator++ () { ++minutes; if(minutes>=60) { ++hours; minutes-=60; } return Time(hours,minutes); } Time operator++(int) { Time T(hours,minutes); ++minutes; if(minutes>=60) { ++hours; minutes-=60; } return T; } }; int main() { Time T1(11, 59), T2(10,40); ++T1; T1.displayTime(); ++T1; T1.displayTime(); T2++; T2.displayTime(); T2++; T2.displayTime(); return 0; }To download raw file Click Here
H: 12 M:0 H: 12 M:1 H: 10 M:41 H: 10 M:42
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