Inheritance is a basic object oriented feature in which one class acquires and inherit the properties of another class. All the properties of the Base Class ( also known as the Parent Class or Super class ) are present in the Derived Class ( also known as the Child Class or Sub class ). The inheritance in which a class can be derived from more than one class or a class can have more than one base class is known as multiple inheritance
In this program, there are three classes father, mother, and son. The father class has a public member function fishing() that prints the message "Learn Fishing." Similarly, the mother class has a public member function cooking() that prints the message "Learn Cooking."
The son class is derived from both the father and mother classes using the public keyword. This indicates that the public members of both the base classes are accessible from the son class. The son class has a public member function coding() that prints the message "Learn Coding."
In the main() function, an object o of the son class is created. Since the son class is derived from both the father and mother classes, it can access the fishing() member function of the father class and the cooking() member function of the mother class using the dot (.) operator. Hence, both the functions are called for the object o. Next, the coding() member function of the son class is called using the same object o.
The son class has inherited the fishing() member function from the father class, the cooking() member function from the mother class, and has defined its own member function coding(). The main() function calls all three functions using the object of the son class.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; //Multiple Inheritance in C++ Programming class father { public: void fishing() { cout<<"Learn Fishing."<<endl; } }; class mother { public: void cooking() { cout<<"Learn Cooking."<<endl; } }; class son:public father,public mother { public: void coding() { cout<<"Learn Coding."<<endl; } }; int main() { son o;;; o.coding(); return 0; }
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