Targeting Specific Classes in CSS: A Definitive Guide

Specific Class Selector (tag.classname)

A Specific Class Selector in CSS combines both an HTML element type (tag) and a class name to target and apply styles to specific HTML elements that share the same class attribute. This selector is used when you want to target elements of a particular type that also have a specific class applied to them. It provides a way to style a subset of elements that meet both criteria.

Syntax: The syntax for a Specific Class Selector is as follows:

tag.classname {
  /* CSS styles go here */

Source Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Specific Class Selector</title>
      .color {
        color: goldenrod;
      h1.color {
        text-decoration: underline;
        text-transform: uppercase;
      .a {
        color: blue;
      li.color {
        color: brown;
    <h1 class="color">Specific Class Selector</h1>
      HTML elements or tags represent different parts of a web page's structure and content, such as <b class="color"> headings, paragraphs</b>, lists, images, links, and more. XML tags serve a similar purpose but can be customized to define the structure of data within an XML document according to
      a specific schema.
    <h1>Specific Class Selector</h1>
      <li class="a">HTML</li>
      <li class="color">CSS</li>

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.color { color: goldenrod; } This is a class selector .color targeting all HTML elements with the class name "color". It sets the text color of these elements to "goldenrod," which is a valid CSS color value.

h1.color { text-decoration: underline; text-transform: uppercase; } This is a Specific Class Selector h1.color targeting <h1> elements that also have the class name "color."

text-decoration: underline;: This rule underlines the text.text-transform: uppercase;: This rule transforms the text to uppercase.

.a { color: blue; } : This is a class selector .a targeting all HTML elements with the class name "a".It sets the text color of these elements to "blue."

li.color { color: brown; }:This is another Specific Class Selector li.color targeting

  • elements that also have the class name "color". It sets the text color of these specific <li> elements to "brown."

    Specific Class Selectors offer a flexible way to target and style specific elements within a group that share both a common class and a particular element type, allowing for more fine-grained control over your CSS styling.

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