Here is the simple program for printing the drawer in Flutter.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() => runApp(new MaterialApp( home: new MyApp(), )); class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { @override _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); } class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( /*leading: IconButton( icon: Icon(, onPressed: () { print('Icon Button Click'); }, ),*/ title: Text('Appbar'), /*actions: <Widget>[ IconButton( icon: Icon(, onPressed: () {}, ), IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.more_vert), onPressed: () {}, ) ],*/ flexibleSpace: SafeArea( child: Icon(, color: Colors.white, size: 35.0, ), ), bottom: PreferredSize( child: Container( color: Colors.grey, height: 75.0, width: double.infinity, child: Text( 'Tutor Joes', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 25.0), ), ), preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(75.0), ), ), body: Center( child: Text( 'Tutor Joes', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 28.0, color:, ), ), ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( elevation: 10.0, child: Icon(Icons.add), onPressed: () { print('Tutor Joes Click'); }, ), floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked, drawer: Drawer( elevation: 16.0, child: Column( children: <Widget>[ UserAccountsDrawerHeader( accountName: Text('Tutor Joes'), accountEmail: Text(''), currentAccountPicture: CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.white, child: Text('Xyz'), ), otherAccountsPictures: <Widget>[ CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.white, child: Text('Xyz'), ) ], ), ListTile( title: Text('All Inbox'), leading: Icon(Icons.mail), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Primary'), leading: Icon(Icons.inbox), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Social'), leading: Icon(Icons.people), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Promotions'), leading: Icon(Icons.local_offer), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ) ], ), ), persistentFooterButtons: <Widget>[ RaisedButton( elevation: 10.0, onPressed: () { print('Click'); }, color:, child: Icon(Icons.add), ), RaisedButton( elevation: 10.0, onPressed: () { print('Click'); }, color:, child: Icon(Icons.clear), ), ], bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar( currentIndex: 1, fixedColor:, items: [ BottomNavigationBarItem( title: Text('Home'), icon: Icon(Icons.home), ), BottomNavigationBarItem( title: Text('Search'), icon: Icon(, ), BottomNavigationBarItem( title: Text('Add'), icon: Icon(Icons.add), ) ], onTap: (int index) { print(index.toString()); }, ), endDrawer: Drawer( elevation: 16.0, child: Column( children: <Widget>[ UserAccountsDrawerHeader( accountName: Text('Tutor Joes'), accountEmail: Text(''), currentAccountPicture: CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.white, child: Text('Xyz'), ), otherAccountsPictures: <Widget>[ CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.white, child: Text('Xyz'), ) ], ), ListTile( title: Text('All Inbox'), leading: Icon(Icons.mail), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Primary'), leading: Icon(Icons.inbox), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Social'), leading: Icon(Icons.people), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ), ListTile( title: Text('Promotions'), leading: Icon(Icons.local_offer), ), Divider( height: 0.1, ) ], ), ), backgroundColor: Colors.teal, ); } }To download raw file Click Here
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