HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet

HTML character entities are codes that represent special characters such as "<", "&", and "©" in HTML documents. They begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). Some common HTML character entities are:

  • <for <
  • > for >
  • & for &
  • © for ©
  • " for "
  • ® for ®
  • for non-breaking space

Using HTML character entities ensures that the special characters are displayed correctly in all browsers and devices.

HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#33;!Exclamation mark
&#34;"Quotation mark
&#35;#Pound / hash
&#36;$Dollar sign
&#37;%Percent sign
&#40;(Left bracket
&#41;)Right bracket
&#47;/Forward Slash
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#60;Less than
&#62;Greater than
&#63;? Question mark
&#64; @ "At" symbol
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#65;AUpper case A
&#66;BUpper case B
&#67;CUpper case C
&#68;DUpper case D
&#69;EUpper case E
&#70;FUpper case F
&#71;GUpper case G
&#72;HUpper case H
&#73;IUpper case I
&#74;JUpper case J
&#75;KUpper case K
&#76;LUpper case L
&#77;MUpper case M
&#78;NUpper case N
&#79;OUpper case O
&#80;PUpper case P
&#81;QUpper case Q
&#82;RUpper case R
&#83;SUpper case S
&#84;TUpper case T
&#85;UUpper case U
&#86;VUpper case V
&#87;WUpper case W
&#88;XUpper case X
&#89;YUpper case Y
&#90;ZUpper case Z
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#91;[Left square bracket
&#93;]Right square bracket
&#96;`Single quote / backtick
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#97;aLower case a
&#98;bLower case b
&#99;cLower case c
&#100;dLower case d
&#101;eLower case e
&#102;fLower case f
&#103;gLower case g
&#104;hLower case h
&#105;iLower case i
&#106;jLower case j
&#107;kLower case k
&#108;lLower case l
&#109;mLower case m
&#110;nLower case n
&#111;oLower case o
&#112;pLower case p
&#113;qLower case q
&#114;rLower case r
&#115;sLower case s
&#116;tLower case t
&#117;uLower case u
&#118;vLower case v
&#119;wLower case w
&#120;xLower case x
&#121;yLower case y
&#122;zLower case z
HTML EntitiesCharacterDescription
&#123;{Left curly brace
&#125;}Right curly brace
&#127; Delete
&#160; on-breaking space
&#161;¡Inverted exclamation mark
&#162;¢ Cent symbol
&#163;£ Pound symbol
&#164;¤ Currency symbol
&#165;¥ Yen symbol
&#166;¦ Broken pipe
&#167;§ Section symbol
&#168;¨ Umlaut
&#169;© Copyright
&#170;ª Feminine ordinal
&#171;« Double-left arrow
&#172;¬ "Not" symbol
&#173; Soft hyphen
&#174;® Registered
&#175;¯ Overline
&#176;° Degree symbol
&#177;± Plus or minus
&#178;² Squared
&#179;³ Cubed
&#180;´ Acute accent
&#181;µ Micro symbol
&#182; Paragraph symbol
&#183;· Middle dot
&#184;¸ Cedilla
&#185;¹ Superscript 1
&#186;º Masculine ordinal
&#187;» Double-right arrow
&#188;¼ One quarter
&#189;½ One half
&#190;¾ Three quarters
&#191;¿ Inverted question mark
&#192;À A with grave
&#193;Á A with acute
&#194;Â A with circumflex
&#195;Ã A with tilde
&#196;Ä A with umlaut
&#197;Å A with ring
&#198;Æ AE
&#199;Ç C with cedilla
&#200;È E with grave
&#201;É E with acute
&#202;Ê E with circumflex
&#203;Ë E with umlaut
&#204;Ì I with grave
&#205;Í I with acute
&#206;Î I with circumflex
&#207;Ï I with umlaut
&#208;Ð ETH
&#209;Ñ N with tilde
&#210;Ò O with grave
&#211;Ó O with acute
&#212;Ô O with circumflex
&#213;Õ O with tilde
&#214;Ö O with umlaut
&#215;× Multiply symbol
&#216;Ø O with slash
&#217;Ù U with grave
&#218;Ú U with acute
&#219;Û U with circumflex
&#220;Ü U with umlaut
&#221;Ý Y with acute
&#222;Þ THORN
&#223;ß Sharp S
&#224;à a with grave
&#225;á a with acute
&#226;â a with circumflex
&#227;ã a with tilde
&#228;ä a with umlaut
&#229;å a with ring
&#230;æ ae
&#231;ç c with cedilla
&#232;è e with grave
&#233;é e with acute
&#234;ê e with circumflex
&#235;ë e with umlaut
&#236;ì i with grave
&#237;í i with acute
&#238;î i with circumflex
&#239;ï i with umlaut
&#240;ð ETH
&#241;ñ n with tilde
&#242;ò o with grave
&#243;ó o with acute
&#244;ô o with circumflex
&#245;õ o with tilde
&#246;ö o with umlaut
&#247;÷ Divide symbol
&#248;ø o with slash
&#249;ù u with grave
&#250;ú u with acute
&#251;û u with circumflex
&#252;ü u with umlaut
&#253;ý y with acute
&#254;þ THORN
&#255;ÿ y with umlaut