Streams of Primitives and Stream operations categories

Streams of Primitives

Java provides specialized Streams for three types of primitives IntStream (for ints), LongStream (for longs) and DoubleStream (for doubles). Besides being optimized implementations for their respective primitives, they also provide several specific terminal methods, typically for mathematical operations. E.g.:

IntStream is = IntStream.of(10, 20, 30);
double average = is.average().getAsDouble(); // average is 20.0

Stream operations categories

Stream operations fall into two main categories, intermediate and terminal operations, and two sub-categories, stateless and stateful.

Intermediate Operations:

An intermediate operation is always lazy, such as a simple It is not invoked until the stream is actually consumed. This can be verified easily:

Arrays.asList(1, 2 ,3).stream().map(i -> {
     throw new RuntimeException("not gonna happen");
     return i;

Intermediate operations are the common building blocks of a stream, chained after the source and are usually followed by a terminal operation triggering the stream chain.

Terminal Operations:

Terminal operations are what triggers the consumption of a stream. Some of the more common are Stream.forEach or Stream.collect. They are usually placed after a chain of intermediate operations and are almost always eager.

Stateless Operations:

Statelessness means that each item is processed without the context of other items. Stateless operations allow for memory-efficient processing of streams. Operations like and Stream.filter that do not require information on other items of the stream are considered to be stateless.

Stateful Operations:

Statefulness means the operation on each item depends on (some) other items of the stream. This requires a state to be preserved. Statefulness operations may break with long, or infinite, streams. Operations like Stream.sorted require the entirety of the stream to be processed before any item is emitted which will break in a long enough stream of items. This can be demonstrated by a long stream (run at your own risk):

// works - stateless stream
long BIG_ENOUGH_NUMBER = 999999999;
IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(BIG_ENOUGH_NUMBER).forEach(System.out::println);

This will cause an out-of-memory due to statefulness of Stream.sorted:

// Out of memory - stateful stream
IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(BIG_ENOUGH_NUMBER).sorted().forEach(System.out::println);

Collect Results of a Stream into an Array

Analog to get a collection for a Stream by collect() an array can be obtained by the Stream.toArray() method:

List<String> fruits = Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "pear", "kiwi", "orange");
String[] filteredFruits =
	 .filter(s -> s.contains("a"))
// prints: [apple, banana, pear, orange]

String[]::new is a special kind of method reference: a constructor reference.

Generating random Strings using Streams

It is sometimes useful to create random Strings, maybe as Session-ID for a web-service or an initial password after registration for an application. This can be easily achieved using Streams.

First we need to initialize a random number generator. To enhance security for the generated Strings, it is a good idea to use SecureRandom.

Note : Creating a SecureRandom is quite expensive, so it is best practice to only do this once and call one of its setSeed() methods from time to time to reseed it

private static final SecureRandom rng = new SecureRandom(SecureRandom.generateSeed(20));
//20 Bytes as a seed is rather arbitrary, it is the number used in the JavaDoc example

When creating random Strings, we usually want them to use only certain characters (e.g. only letters and digits). Therefore we can create a method returning a boolean which can later be used to filter the Stream.

//returns true for all chars in 0-9, a-z and A-Z
boolean useThisCharacter(char c){
     //check for range to avoid using all unicode Letter (e.g. some chinese symbols)
     return c >= '0' && c <= 'z' && Character.isLetterOrDigit(c);

Next we can utilize the RNG to generate a random String of specific length containing the charset which pass our useThisCharacter check.

public String generateRandomString(long length){
	//Since there is no native CharStream, we use an IntStream instead
	//and convert it to a Stream<Character> using mapToObj.
	//We need to specify the boundaries for the int values to ensure they can safely be cast to char
	Stream<Character> randomCharStream = rng.ints(Character.MIN_CODE_POINT, 
                       Character.MAX_CODE_POINT).mapToObj(i -> (char)i).filter(c -> 
	//now we can use this Stream to build a String utilizing the collect method.
	String randomString = randomCharStream.collect(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::append,
	return randomString;

Basic Programs