Java : Inheritance - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a Java program to Implement single inheritance

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2. Write a Java program to Implement multilevel inheritance

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3. Write a Java program to Implement hierarchical inheritance

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4. Write a Java program to Override a base class method into a derived class

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5. Write a Java program to Demonstrate the protected access specifier

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6. Write a Java program to Create an Student class by inheriting Person class

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7. Write a Java program to Call the method with the same name using super keyword

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8. Write a Java program to Call a superclass constructor from sub/child class

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9. Write a Java program to Method Overloading and Inheritance

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10. Write a Java program to Final Class and Inheritance

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11. Write a Java program to Static Methods and Inheritance

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12. Write a Java program to Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces

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13. Write a Java program to Method Overriding with Exception Handling

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14. Write a Java program to Accessing Superclass Members

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15. Write a Java program to Method Overriding with Covariant Return Types

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16. Write a Java program to Constructor Overriding and Superclass Initialization

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17. Write a Java program to demonstrates method overriding

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18. Write a Java program to demonstrates the use of the protected access specifier

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19. Write a Java program to demonstrates accessing superclass members using the super keyword

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20. Write a Java program to demonstrates the use of a final class in inheritance

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21. Write a Java program to demonstrates the use of abstract classes in inheritance

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22. Write a Java program to demonstrate the order of superclass and subclass initialization

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23. Write a Java program to demonstrate dynamic method dispatch

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24. Write a Java program to demonstrate interface inheritance

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25. Write a Java program to diamond problem in multiple inheritance

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Basic Programs