Java Collection : LinkedList - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a Java Program to Insert the Specified Element at the Specified Position in the LinkedList

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2. Write a Java Program to Insert some Elements at the Specified Position into a LinkedList

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3. Write a Java Program to Insert Elements into the LinkedList at the First and Last position

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4. Write a Java Program to Append the Specified Element to the end of a LinkedList

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5. Write a Java Program to Insert the Specified Element at the Front of a LinkedList

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6. Write a Java Program to Iterate through all Elements in a LinkedList

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7. Write a Java Program to Get the First and Last Occurrence of the Specified Elements in a LinkedList

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8. Write a Java Program to Insert the Specified Element at the end of a LinkedList

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9. Write a Java Program to Iterate a LinkedList in Reverse Order

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10. Write a Java Program to Iterate through all Elements in a LinkedList starting at the specified position

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11. Write a Java Program to Retrieve but does not Remove, the Last Element of a LinkedList

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12. Write a Java Program to Check if a Particular Element exists in a LinkedList

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13. Write a Java Program to Convert a LinkedList to ArrayList

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14. Write a Java Program to Compare Two LinkedList

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15. Write a Java Program to test an LinkedList is Empty or Not

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16. Write a Java Program to Replace an Element in a LinkedList

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17. Write a Java Program to Retrieve but does not Remove, the First Element of a LinkedList

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18. Write a Java Program to Remove and Return the First Element of a LinkedList

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19. Write a Java program to clone an linked list to another linked list

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20. Write a Java program to join two linked lists

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21. Write a Java program to display the elements and their positions in a linked list

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22. Write a Java program to remove a specified element from a linked list

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23. Write a Java program to remove first and last element from a linked list

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24. Write a Java program to remove all the elements from a linked list

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25. Write a Java program of swap two elements in a linked list

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26. Write a Java program to shuffle the elements in a linked list

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27. Write a Java program to find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass

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28. Write a Function Reverse the nodes of a linked list

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29. Write a function to delete a Linked List

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30. Write a Java program to Merge a linked list into another linked list at alternate positions

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31. Write a Java program to Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list

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32. Write a Java program to Rotate a Linked List

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33. Write a Java program to Reverse alternate K nodes in a Singly Linked List

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34. Write a Function to check if a singly linked list is palindrome

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35. Write a Add two numbers represented by linked lists | Set 2

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36. Write a Java program to demonstrate the spliterator() method of LinkedList

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37. Write a Java program to find out whether that element exist in a LinkedList or not. If it exist retrieve the position of that element?

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38. Write a Java program to traverse the elements of a LinkedList in reverse direction

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39. Write a Java program to join an ArrayList at the end of a LinkedList

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40. Write a Java program to which implements LinkedList as a Queue (FIFO)

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41. Write a Java program to Insert an element at the head and tail of a LinkedList

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42. Write a Java program to Add an element or collection of elements at a specific position of a LinkedList

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43. Write a Java program to Remove the elements of a LinkedList from both the ends

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44. Write a Java program to Replace an element at a specific position of a LinkedList with the given element

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45. Write a Java program to Retrieve but not remove the elements of a LinkedList from both the ends

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46. Write a Java program to Retrieve and remove and only retrieve an element from specific position of a LinkedList

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47. Write a Java program to Get the number of elements in a LinkedList

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48. Write a Java program to Remove the first occurrence and last occurrence of a given element in a LinkedList

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49. Write a Java program to use LinkedList as Stack (LIFO)

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50. Write a Java program to Get the position of last occurrence of a given element in a LinkedList

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51. Write a Java program to Create a LinkedList collection of objects of a class

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52. Write a Java program to Create a LinkedList with different types of items

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53. Write a Java program to Remove the last occurrence of a specified item from the LinkedList

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54. Write a Java program to pop items from the stack represented by the LinkedList

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55. Write a Java program to Retrieve and Remove the tail/last item from the LinkedList

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56. Write a Java program to Retrieve and Remove the head item from the LinkedList

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57. Write a Java program to Get the last item from the LinkedList without removing it

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58. Write a Java program to Get the head item from the LinkedList without removing it

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59. Write a Java program to Insert an item at the last of LinkedList using the offerLast() method

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60. Write a Java program to Add an item to the tail of LinkedList

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61. Write a Java program to Get the last item from LinkedList collection using getLast()

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62. Write a Java program to Get the first item from LinkedList collection using getFirst()

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63. Write a Java program to Check whether an item exists in the LinkedList collection or not

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64. Write a Java program to Insert an element at the end of the LinkedList collection

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65. Write a Java program to Add LinkedList collection into another LinkedList collection on the specified index

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Basic Programs