Java : Queue - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a Java program to create a Queue using LinkedList

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2. Write a Java program to implement Queue using ArrayDeque class

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3. Write a Java program to remove an item from the Queue

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4. Write a Java program to compare two queues

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5. Write a Java program to print Queue elements using foreach loop

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6. Write a Java program to get the size of the Queue collection

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7. Write a Java program to check whether a queue is empty or not

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8. Write a Java program to iterate Queue elements using the iterator() method

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9. Write a Java program to remove all elements of queue

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10. Write a Java program to add elements to Queue using add() and offer() methods

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11. Write a Java program to retrieve & remove an element from the head of the queue

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12. Write a Java program to retrieve an element from the head of the queue without removing it

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13. Write a Java program to Removing elements from the queue using poll() methods

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14. Write a Java program to Accessing the head of the queue using peek() methods

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15. Write a Java program to Reverse Queue using a Stack

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16. Write a Java program to Check if a queue is palindrome or not

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17. Write a Java Program to Interleave the elements of two queues

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18. Write a Java Program to Find the maximum element in a queue

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19. Write a Java Program to Find the sum of elements in a queue

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20. Write a Java Program to Find the average of elements in a queue

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21. Write a Java Program to Check if a queue contains a specific element

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22. Write a Java Program to Merge two queues

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23. Write a Java program to Reverse the order of elements in a queue without using any additional data structures

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24. write a Java program to Find the first non-repeating element in the array using a queue

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25. Write a Java program to Reverse the elements of a queue using recursion

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26. Write a Java program to Remove all occurrences of a specific element from a queue

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27. Write a Java program to Check if two queues are equal. Two queues are considered equal if they have the same elements in the same order

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28. Write a Java program to Find the minimum element in a queue without removing it from the queue

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29. Write a Java program to Reverse the first half of the elements and leave the second half unchanged

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30. Write a Java program to Find the sum of all even numbers in the queue

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31. Write a Java program to Find the sum of all odd numbers in the queue

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32. Write a Java program to Find the Longest string in the queue

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33. Write a Java program to Remove all Duplicate elements from the queue

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34. Write a Java program to Find the Product of all elements in a queue

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35. Write a Java program to Move all Even elements to the front of the queue while maintaining the relative order of other elements

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36. Write a Java program to Find the second smallest element in the queue

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37. Write a Java program to Print the all Even numbers in the queue

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38. Write a Java program to Print the all Odd numbers in the queue

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39. Write a Java program to Print the all Negative numbers in the queue

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40. Write a Java program to Print the all Positive numbers in the queue

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41. Write a Java program to Clear all elements from a queue

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42. Write a Java program to Counts the number of digits, alphabets, and special characters in a queue of strings

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Basic Programs