Java Collection : Vector Class - Exercises and Solution

1. Write a Java program to create a vector to store integer elements

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2. Write a Java program to create a vector to store objects of a class

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3. Write a Java program to create a vector to store different types of objects

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4. Write a Java program to count the items of a Vector collection

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5. Write a Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection

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6. Write a Java program to create a clone of a Vector collection

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7. Write a Java program to insert an item into Vector collection at the specified index

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8. Write a Java program to replace an item into Vector collection at the specified index

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9. Write a Java program to remove a specified item from Vector collection

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10. Write a Java program to remove an item from Vector collection at the specified index

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11. Write a Java program to add elements of a Vector to other Vector collection

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12. Write a Java program to add elements of a vector to other vector collection at the specified position

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13. Write a Java program to compare two Vector collections

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14. Write a Java program to check whether a Vector collection contains a specified item or not

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15. Write a Java program to copy elements of Vector collection into an array

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16. Write a Java program to get element from Vector collection at the specified index

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17. Write a Java program to get the Index of the first occurrence of the specified item in Vector collection

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18. Write a Java program to get the enumeration of the values present in the Vector

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19. Write a Java program to get elements from Vector collection based on an index

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20. Write a Java program to get the Index of the last occurrence of the specified item in Vector collection

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21. Write a Java program to check whether a Vector collection is empty or not

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22. Write a Java program to get the first element of Vector using the firstElement() method

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23. Write a Java program to get the last element of Vector using the lastElement() method

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24. Write a Java program to iterate Vector collection using the iterator() method

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25. Write a Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection contained in the specified collection

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26. Write a Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection using removeAllElements() method

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27. Write a Java program to remove the first occurrence of the specified element from Vector collection

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28. Write a Java program to remove an element from Vector collection based on the specified index

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29. Write a Java program to remove range on elements from Vector collection based on specified indices

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30. Write a Java program to remove elements from Vector collection based on a specified predicate

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31. Write a Java program to replace a specified element at all places with another element in Vector collection

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32. Write a Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection that do not contain in the specified collection

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33. Write a Java program to set an element at the specified index in Vector collection

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34. Write a Java program to change the size of a Vector collection

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35. Write a Java program to sort the elements of a Vector collection

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36. Write a Java program to traverse the Vector collection using spliterator() method

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37. Write a Java program to get the subList from the Vector collection

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38. Write a Java program to convert a Vector collection into an Object array

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39. Write a Java program to Accessing elements in a Vector

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40. Write a Java program to Iterating over a Vector using an enhanced for loop

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Basic Programs