Assignment Operators in Python

Assignment operators are used to assigning value to a variable. The left side operand of the assignment operator is a variable and right side operand of the assignment operator is a value. This operator is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left

Compound OperatorSample ExpressionExpanded Form
+= a+=2 a=a+2
-= a-=6 a=a-6
*= a*=7 a=a*7
/= a/=4 a=a/4
%= a%=9 a=a%9
**=a**=3 a=a**3
//=a//=2 a=a//2

This program is using the assignment operators along with the basic arithmetic operations in python

  • a = 125: This line assigns the value 125 to the variable a.
  • print(a): This line prints the value of a which is 125.
  • a += 5: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator += to add 5 to the current value of a and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 130.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 130.
  • a -= 10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator -= to subtract 10 from the current value of a and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 120.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 120.
  • a *= 10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator *= to multiply the current value of a by 10 and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 1200.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 1200.
  • a /= 10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator /= to divide the current value of a by 10 and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 120.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 120.
  • a %= 10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator %= to find the remainder when dividing the current value of a by 10 and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 0.0.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 0.0.
  • a **=10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator **= to raise the current value of a to the power of 10 and assigns the result back to a. The value of a becomes 0.0.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 0.0.
  • a //= 10: This line uses the shorthand assignment operator //= to divide the current value of a by 10 and assigns the result rounded down to the nearest integer back to a. The value of a becomes 0.0.
  • print(a): This line prints the updated value of a which is 0.0.

Source Code

# Assignment Operators

=   Assignment
+=	Addition
-=	Subtraction
*=	Multiplication
/=	Division
%=	Modulus
**=	Exponentiation
//=	Floor division
a = 125
a += 5  # a=a+5
a -= 10  # a=a-10
a *= 10  # a=a*10
a /= 10
a %= 10
a **=10
a //= 10 
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