1. Write a Python program to get the first and last second
View Solution2. Write a Python program to generate RFC 3339 timestamp
View Solution3. Write a Python program to validate a Gregorian date. The month is between 1 and 12 inclusive, the day is within the allowed number of days for the given month. Leap year’s are taken into consideration. The year is between 1 and 32767 inclusive
View Solution4. Write a Python program to drop microseconds from datetime
View Solution5. Write a Python program to get days between two dates
View Solution6. Write a Python program to get the date of the last Tuesday
View Solution7. Write a Python program to test the third Monday of a month
View Solution8. Write a Python program to get the last day of a specified year and month
View Solution9. Write a Python program to get the number of days of a given month and year
View Solution10. Write a Python program to add a month with a specified date
View Solution11. Write a Python program to count the number of Monday of the 1st day of the month from 2014 to 2022
View Solution12. Write a Python program to print a string ten times, delay two seconds
View Solution13. Write a Python program calculates the date six months from the current date using the datetime module
View Solution14. Write a Python program to create 12 fixed dates from a specified date over a given period. The difference between two dates will be 20
View Solution15. Write a Python program to get the dates 30 days before and after from the current date
View Solution16. Write a Python program to get the GMT and local current time
View Solution17. Write a Python program convert a date to timestamp
View Solution18. Write a Python program convert a string date to the timestamp
View Solution19. Write a Python program to calculate a number of days between two dates
View Solution20. Write a Python program to display the date and time in a human-friendly string
View Solution21. Write a Python program to convert a date to Unix timestamp
View Solution22. Write a Python program to calculate two date difference in seconds
View Solution23. Write a Python program to convert two date difference in days, hours, minutes, seconds
View Solution24. Write a Python program to calculate an age in year
View Solution25. Write a Python program to get the current date time information
View Solution26. Write a python program to generate a date and time as a string
View Solution27. Write a Python program to print a calendar for an entire year
View Solution28. Write a Python program to print a calendar for month
View Solution29. Write a Python program to get the current week
View Solution30. Write a Python program to create a HTML calendar with data for a specific year and month
View Solution31. Write a Python program display a list of the dates for the 2nd Friday of every month for a given year
View Solution32. Write a Python program to display a simple, formatted calendar of a given year and month
View Solution33. Write a Python program to convert a string into datetime
View Solution34. Write a Python program to get a list of dates between two dates
View Solution35. Write a Python program to print yesterday, today, tomorrow
View Solution36. Write a Python program to convert the date to datetime (midnight of the date) in Python
View Solution37. Write a Python program to print next 5 days starting from today
View Solution38. Write a Python program to add 5 seconds with the current time
View Solution39. Write a Python program to convert Year/Month/Day to Day of Year in python
View Solution40. Write a Python program to get current time in milliseconds in python
View Solution41. Write a Python program to subtract Three days from current date.
View Solution42. Write a Python program to get the current time
View Solution43. Write a Python program to convert a string to datetime
View Solution44. Write a Python program to determine whether a given year is a leap year
View Solution45. Write a Python program to select all the Sundays of a specified year
View Solution46. Write a Python program to Add five days from current date
View Solution47. Write a Python program to find the date of the first Monday of a given week
View Solution48. Write a Python program to find the born in the previous millennium or during this millennium given Birthday date
View Solution49. Write a Python program to Print hour, minute, second, microsecond, day, month, year Given datetim
View Solution50. Write a Python script to display the various Date Time String formats
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