ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning (Releasing year-2009)
- Title bar
- Minimize bar
- Maximize bar
- Horizontal button bar
- Vertical button bar
- Gateway of Tally
- Company details
- Calculator
- Tally Task bar & Status bar
Current period
The current period should be mentioned in current financial year of the company. The financial year starting from every year 1st April and ending on next year 31st march.
Current date
The current date should be mentioned in every year 1st April and this date changing on every date and every month.
Name of company
Should be mentioned in name of the company. This part only display in one company.
Date of last entry
Display on date of the last company transaction date
Types of company maintain
- Accounts only
- Accounts with inventory (stock)
Type of passwords
- Tally vault password ( ********** )(10001)- Data number
- Use Security control
- Alt + F1-> Create company and Shut company
- F1-> Select company
- Alt + F2-> Current period change
- F2-> Current date change
- Alt + F3-> Alteration of the company
- Alt + D-> Delete company
- Ctrl + A-> Save
- Ctrl + N-> Open calculator
- Ctrl + M-> close calculator