Company Creation in Tally Prime

Go to the Gateway of Tally:

The Gateway of Tally is the main screen that appears when you open the software.

Open Tally Prime

Select "Create Company":

In the Gateway of Tally, select "Create Company" from the menu or use the shortcut key "Alt + K."

Company Create

Enter Company Details:

Fill in the required information for your new company. This includes:

  • Name: Enter the name of your company.
  • Mailing Name: Enter the name you want to appear in reports and documents.
  • Address: Provide the company's address details.
  • Statutory Compliance: Select the applicable statutory compliance (GST, VAT, etc.).
  • Financial Year: Set the financial year for your company.
  • Books Beginning From: Set the date from which you want to start maintaining accounts.
Company Create

Enable Features:

Tally Prime allows you to enable or disable various features based on your business requirements. Configure features like GST, TDS, etc., as per your needs.

Company Create

Accept and Save:

After entering all the necessary details, press Enter or use the Y key to accept the information

Company Create

Tally Prime